Apply at Tuks 2013

Student Counselling Services

Qualified counselling psychologists, social workers and clinical psychologists are available to support students. Services include psychometric tests, career planning, study techniques, personal empowerment, life skills and trauma management. A 24-hour crisis line is available.
While the University’s primary responsibility is that of preparing students for their entry into the labour market, students who experience uncertainty during the course of their studies regarding their choice of career are provided with counselling.

Student Health

The University offers a number of health services, including general consultations, reproductive health services and immunisations.
The Student Health Clinic provides services related to general medicine, gender health, voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) and substance abuse treatment. A medical doctor and professional nurses are available in the Student Health Services Building throughout the day, five days a week, while a full-time staff complement is dedicated to the VCT clinic.

Unit for Students with Special Needs

Students with special needs due to their learning and physical disabilities experience certain academic and emotional challenges. The Unit for Students with Special Needs assists students by providing study material in workable format, by liaising with Departments and Faculties and by addressing any other problems and needs that students may experience.  Special placement in wheelchair-friendly residences can also be arranged.